Watching the Bon Appetit crew research the perfect pizza has been a lot of fun. I watched every minute aside from the episode on toppings. I don’t care about toppings. I don’t believe a pizza is a pizza unless it is a cheese pizza!

I don’t know whose kitchen they’re working in when they combine their newfound knowledge in the final episode, but I am most definitely jealous. Why don’t I have a giant kitchen at home with a wood or coal fired pizza oven?!

I am a Star Trek fan. I grew up watching Star Trek: The Next Generation. I’ve been watching Star Trek: Discovery. Of course, I’ve also been watching The Orville!

I’m excited about the new series focusing on Jean-Luc Picard, but the trailer disappointed me. I don’t know any more about the show now than I knew before I watched the trailer!

I’m still waiting patiently to see the first episode of The Rikers.

I wasn’t sure if I was going to include two episodes from Bon Appetit in this post, but I just couldn’t stop myself. I enjoy Doritos, and I had a lot of fun watching Claire attempt to replicate both the chips and the spices.

Since about a year ago, I’ve been required to eat healthier, and one of the snacks I eat almost every day is popcorn dripping with melted Kerrygold Irish Butter. I’m always looking for new and interesting seasonings to throw on my popcorn, and I’ve tried researching the spice blend on Doritos, but I’ve done a bad job.

Claire seems to have done a fantastic job. I’ve already ordered the components that I’m missing, and I hope to try replicating her spice and powdered cheese mix soon!